My Onion Pi

If you can figure out the name, you'll know what it's about. Fortunately, I'm literate. I'm also funny on occasion. Just beware of the flying PMS.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

There's No Such Thing As A Free Speech

I have to say, I find it ironic that as long as Women, Priests, Jesus, Jews, Politicians, the Military, and Weird celebrities are being bashed no one in the media gives a hoot. But suddenly everyone is afraid to publish cartoons?? In case yer at all interested in what your NOT seeing published in our "free speech press" here in the land of the free and home of the brave click on this link. It's not all that exciting considering the hoopla being made over it.

Although it does beg the question what is really going on around here? Political Correctness? Cultural Sensitivity? Religious Sensitivity? Or just bald fear of crazy ass people? (Did I here someone say "Bingo", or was that just my imagination?)

If the result of the War on Terror is going to be the slow degradation and destruction of our own civil liberties and values - including our freedom of speech; then we should just raise the white flag right now. Is this what our military are (and always have) been fighting and dying for?? I don't appreciate a lot of things I read, see and hear in the name of "freedom of speech" but I tolerate it, because I value that right - not just for myself, but for all of us. That includes people I don't agree with, and people who don't agree with me.

I thought we already fought this battle? But maybe if the various media outlets were not divvied up and owned by a selected few media moguls, we would have a few more defenders of free speech printing what really amounts to nothing more than a great excuse for a small group of fanatical clerics rousing the fringes and the oppressed into a froth over a little more than a hill of beans. (Especially in light of the fact these cartoons were originally printed four months ago.) But, as always, it's just my Onion pi.



At Tue Feb 07, 03:16:00 PM, Blogger CoffeeDog said...

Well said!

At Tue Feb 07, 03:41:00 PM, Blogger Jeff Vachon said...

Why doesn't God strike the offending cartoon writer and its readers dead? Maybe God is getting a chuckle too? I'm a Buddhist. Draw all the cartoons you like!

At Tue Feb 07, 04:16:00 PM, Blogger kimmyk said...

I agree, some people need tape over thier mouths but I can respect the fact they are able to spew nonsense and ignorance. (in my opinion that is)

People are frustrated....frustration leads to's a vicious cycle..all of it.

At Tue Feb 07, 05:22:00 PM, Blogger WDKY said...

Yes indeed. If I can tolerate fascist marches through the streets of London, terrorist attacks on buses abd trains, and "British citizens" proclaiming the right to kill "heathens" on the basis that they don't share the same faith, a cartoon is hardly likely to cause offence. What f*cking nonsense.

At Thu Feb 16, 10:14:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Hammy....
I think that you said it all the other day. I agreed with you on that these people need to calm it down a little bit. We should love God with all our hearts, minds, soul, and strength. That is why a political cartoonist should not mix religion into the funny's. Radio will never be the same again... but remember, 80% of cartoon reading is for the crapper and you don't need a pulitzer surprise unless it is in the tiolet. lol........

At Thu Mar 16, 09:22:00 AM, Blogger Hamrose said...

I have to say I disagree with that. The cartoonists were trying to make a point, not trying to be mean or slander someones religion. They were attempting to point out the obvious, that Mohammed and his teachings have been used as a banner flag for murder and violence. Sometimes people pay attention to a cartoon more than a speech or a book or an article. The question we should be asking, is why is everyone so uptight about it? Free speech doesn't mean tying one hand behind someones back, and then telling them to give their message. It means having the ability to sit back and really listen when someone is saying something you don't want to hear. And then assess its content and message.
If that were to really happen in this case, then maybe the true followers of Islam would realize how badly they are being manipulated and used by fanatical power hungry clerics and bloodthirsty mercinaries.

Unfortunately, we are an eternity away from that ever happening on this planet...


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